Nomination Gerrit van Houten award 2011

Thijs Jansen's painting ‘Tussen vijf en zes’ is nominated for the Gerrit van Houten award 2011.
The Gerrit van Houten award was open for subscription to professional artists who feel connected to the city or province of Groningen, the Netherlands. A professional jury of museum curators and artists will pick the winner out of the six nominees. The other nominees are Dianne Bakker, Regina Broersma, Gabrielle Kroese, Christiaan Kuitwaard en Annemiek Vos.

Together with the award ceremony opens the accompanied exhibition ‘Gerrit van Houten prijs 2011’. The exhibition shows a selection of the work of the prize participants and work of Gerrit van Houten (1866-1934). The show comes with a small catalogue showing color reproductions of the nominated works. 

The ceremony will take place at December 16th at 4 pm (entrance open at 3.30pm). The exhibition will run till march 15th 2012 at the Koetshuis of the Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

For more information on Gerrit van Houten and the Gerrit van Houten award see (in Dutch).



Nomination Gerrit van Houten award 2011

Lecture Thijs Jansen and Jelle Post at BK050

Wednesday evening November 9th, Thijs Jansen (painter) and Jelle Post (graphic designer) will give a lecture about their work at BK050, Walstraat 34 in Groningen.

The Lecture is part of the series “WATDOEJE?”, (whatareyoudoing?) meeting the work and visions and expectations of six young artists from Groningen. Every month two of them will do a roundtable asking questions like who are you? What are you doing? Why? And for whom? The talk will be accompanied by lots of images and visual explanation showing the context of the origin of the work. The audience will get a special opportunity to participate in the conversation.

The lecture starts at 8 pm, admission 7,50 euro (students with student card 5 euro).
For bookings see or call 050-8507100

Lecture Thijs Jansen and Jelle Post at BK050